Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I went to my first HEED meeting in years; 6 to be exact.... HEED stands for Home Educators for Excellence in Des Moines. I haven't been to one since Ethan was in Kindergarten and 1st grade. The topic last night was on ART and how to incorporate art into your subjects. Miller Paper was there and there was sooooo much stuff to look at. That is where I buy my handwriting paper and artist study things.
The owner gave this great encouraging talk. When we see or hear something we only remember up to 30% of it. When we "do" something we can remember more than 70% of it. So if we draw history or draw science, we remember it much more.

Jesse is my artist. He is very detailed. Elizabeth loves to draw too, but her things are not as detailed. Ethan can barely make stick figures. So, I bought a couple of things to help with our art study. I got and Egypt coloring book for our Egypt studying. I also think I will try to have the two younger kids work along with Ethan for History, especially right now because he getting ready to do Squanto and pilgrim stuff. I alternate between American and World History.

After the meeting was over, I talked in the car with my friend Deb (Debbie, Deb, and now Deborah; it has changed over the years) for about 2 hours. We don't have a lot of time to chat... so it was good to catch up on life.
She was introducing me to another lady last night and said, "We have known each other for almost 30 years." AAAhhhhhh. I am OLD! I really had to think, wow, has it really been that long? I guess so. In 7th grade I would have been 12. So it has been almost 30 years. Even 25 years seems a long time to know someone besides your parents. LOL

I got home and the kids had picked up and Edgey had cleaned up the kitchen and it was nice and peaceful before going to bed.

This morning I am drinking my organic coffee with organic cream and stevia and wondering how I am going to get walking in this cold? I am such a wimp! My lower back has been hurting and I KNOW it is because I haven't been walking.
I haven't had any goat milk because they are dried up right now until they have babies.... I feel like I have really digressed into my old habits. I actually ate a cheeseburger from B-Bops the other day.... and it tasted good. :(


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