Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Our Senator Grassley is investigating Paula White, Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, Eddie Long (never watched him), Benny Hinn, and Kenneth Copeland for possible financial misconduct.
The ministries were ordered to turn over financial statements and records to the committee by Dec. 6.
According to Grassley's office, the Iowa Republican is trying to determine whether or not these ministries are improperly using their tax-exempt status as churches to shield lavish lifestyles.

A spokesperson for Joyce Meyer Ministries provided CBS News with an IRS letter to the ministry dated October 10, 2007, that stated: "We determined that you continue to qualify as an organization exempt from Federal income tax." The letter could not be independently verified in time for this story. The ministry also pointed to audited financial statements for the last three years that are posted on the organization's website.

Way to go Joyce!! It will be interesting to see what they drag up on these guys. I pray that they are accountable and prove themselves to be great examples of Christ... otherwise there will be a huge upheaval in this nation.... unlike anything we had with Jimmy Swaggert, Jim Bakker or Ted Haggard.


Blogger Bek said...

just dropping in to say hi. saw that you, too, liked the book supernatural childbirth....i'd love to hear your testimony....did u write it up on here??

5:12 PM  
Blogger Mrs Edgey said...

Well, I don't particularly have a testimony regarding this. I was given the book when I was having a hard time with my last pregnancy. I didn't go to the OB until about 3 months into the pregnancy. They usually don't want to see you until then anyway. They decided to do an Hcg level and it was low. They told me I might be miscarrying so I was to come back the next day for another blood draw. That was even lower. Then they scheduled an ultrasound for 2 days later. So in the meantime I am freaking out because I might possibly be losing the baby.... if you know what I mean. My friend gave me the book. It was awesome. I went to the ultrasound and got some great pictures that they weren't expecting. I just didn't realize that the hcg level starts to drop off anyway after a couple of months into the pregnancy. You would think the DR would have known. HELLO!!! Anyway, everything was just fine and his name is Jesse which means God exists. Appropriate.

5:35 PM  

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