Monday, September 25, 2006


I was reading miss accident prone's blog and was remembering when I got to go to a mission trip to Mexico. It was very exciting and cool. Also, it was very eye opening to see the poverty and simplicity there, yet they were very happy people. A lot of dirt floors in the homes. Many homes were built of grasses or straw and sticks. One of the churches we ministered in was a stick shelter. But some of the cool stuff I remember, was being able to pick limes right off the trees in the mountains. Drinking watermelon juice for breakfast at the hotel. We ate lots of fruit because it was fresh and available. We drank glass bottles of coke at the poorer towns (with no ice). There were huge Cacti. I'll have to see if I can find the pictures.
I think the worst thing was having to go to the "banyo" bathroom. We took our own toilet paper everywhere. At this one church service I had to go..... so two of us went together because there were guys standing around the bathrooms which were like little straw outhouses with a hole cut out of a board to sit on (talk about sanitary). I went into one and my friend went in the other and I sat down to go and felt something under my butt! I freaked out and screamed and stood up and it was a chicken sitting in the pot. Dumb thing must have been laying an egg or something. So I waited and went in the other one. After that, I checked every single one of those holes. The public restrooms at the stops on the way down the bumpy highways were a trip too.... most of them didn't have toilet seats. I think they had been stolen. So there were just bowls with water you had to squat over. On the way back we had to stop and let my friend out on the side of the road and two of us held up a blanket so the whole world couldn't see because she had the "Montezuma's revenge" from something she ate or drank down there. Luckily I didn't get it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

than... for the name...j/k!!! but yeah i cant wait to go... but now im gunna be scurred to go to the bathroom down there!!! chickens in the toilets??? scurry!!! Hopefully i dont get that montezumas revenge thing!!! people keep tellin' me 'bout it and it doesnt seem fun at all!!!

8:37 PM  
Blogger Alex McGinnis said...

hey alex and i posted a few days ago

7:15 PM  

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