Monday, February 20, 2006

Ok - I am feeling stressed today. It has to do with school again. Nobody wants to do anything they are supposed to do or they want to do it right now and not be patient and wait for the right timing. I just want to scream and I am supposed to be a good example and a reflection of Christ in their lives. AAAAAAAAHHHHH! Why can't I just send them all to public school? Why did God want me to keep them home and teach them about him? and to learn how everything in life comes from Him and is related to Him? Why can't life just be easy???
I loved going to school when I was a kid, but that was because school was easy and I already knew everything before we did it in school because I had already learned it at home. Of course it is fun if you get good grades... but what about the kids that do not get good grades and get made fun of everyday because the teacher picks on them in front of the entire class and makes examples of them. Did I really learn anything important in school? I doubt it. I don't remember any history because it was all just boring dates and nothing flowed and nothing related to anything else. I was good at advanced math, but do I use any of it? When do you use trigonometry in real life? really? Yes, I use algebra for nursing and drug calculations.
Science was my favorite subject.. LOVED it. Nature is awesome. Why is that? Cause it's all God. God's glory. Do you learn that in school? No. Nature is real life; Birth, death, metamorphosis, seasons, planting, harvest... Do you learn birth by watching a film at school? or by watching a mare give birth to a foal, or kittens being born in a barn? Do you learn about death by watching your classmates get shot at or knifed? or by caring for sick family members and going to their funeral when they pass? Do I learn about myself as God sees me and who I am in Christ? Or do I fight with peer pressure and whether to do drugs and have sex cause everybody else is doing it and I am not secure in myself to stand up to it?
Ok, I just talked myself back into homeschooling again.

My dad just came and took Ethan to help him cut firewood. Elizabeth and Jesse and I are going to run some errands and go look for some more Bling, Bling. Jesse wants his own cross necklace now. Ethan bought one in the children's church store and Jesse is borrowing it this morning. It hangs all the way down to his belly button. LOL.



Blogger marysto said...

Hang in there Mrs. E.

I know how you feel.

I think its the February slump.

4:44 PM  
Blogger Brenda said...

I can relate to the February slump. But just reading what you wrote about homeschooling has reminded me to why I do what I do.

I believe in it.


10:58 AM  

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