Tuesday, February 21, 2006

We went out yesterday to run errands and find Bling,Bling. The place I go has not gotten any new ones yet, but I did buy one that was a crown. Edgey was coveting that one too. He wouldn't put it back in the sack. I figured it was as close to a King of Kings, Lord of Lords crown as one can get. We'll have to advertise it that way. I guess I could get a skull&Crossbones and advertise it as "Sin Sucks". Anyway, I did get the crown and a couple of dog tag crowns.

After shopping, we went over to my Mom & Dad's to pick up Ethan and Mom wanted to go for a walk at the lake (Gray's Lake) so Elizabeth and Ethan went with her and her little puff ball dog to walk and I stayed at the house with my Dad and Jesse Boy. Jesse is not much for the walking. He had gotten a can of silly string at the dollar store and he wanted to go outside and unload that instead. So Jesse took off and we were trying to sneak around to watch him without being detected. He figured it out and was shooting string at us through the window. It was sticking in the screen. You should have heard him cackling. He is my orneriest kid.... He sprayed it in his face at one point and I had to wipe off his glasses, then he was off again. At least it was nice outside. When he got finished spraying, he came inside and washed his hands off cause they were a bluish green color and he used ice cold water. He came out of the bathroom and his hands were all red because they were so cold. Then he tried to put them on my neck. Little bugger. We made him go stand by the fireplace to get warm.
After he warmed up he was hungry so grandpa made him a can of spaghettios. He ate the whole thing and was still hungry. By that time the others were back from their walk so we all went home to have tacos. Edgey and I had taco salads and the kids had tacos. Jesse had a huge taco and still wanted more to eat (spaghettios, taco, cheese stick, apple). Finally I said that was enough. They played for a while then went to bed.
Today Ethan is supposed to go back and help cut more wood. He is up doing his school. Elizabeth is in the play room watching Sesame Street and trying hard not to do school. Jesse is still in bed asleep. I am having my coffee and reading blogs. Then I have to get back to real life and do some aerobic housecleaning like Mary Lynn.

Tip for the day: Fasten your seatbelt! It's the law.


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