Friday, January 27, 2006

Weekend Musings

I am very thankful this morning. The weekend is already here and normally I would be thinking about how great of a weekend I would be having at work (sarcasm). Not that I don't love my job, I do, really. I even wrote a song about it for our work Christmas party. But there are so many other things I would prefer to be doing, like spending time with my family or shopping or even cleaning out the attic. But this weekend I am not thinking about work because I am off this weekend. Wahoo! That means I actually get to go to Sunday Church and spend some time with Edgey when he is not tired and this weekend we are planning on playing Monopoly with family.

Here's the song from the Christmas party - it's to the chorus of "Favorite Things" from the Sound of Music.

When the docs bite, when admitting calls (that means a new patient is coming to the floor), when I'm gettting mad, I simply remember that I love my job, and then I don't feel SOOOOOO bad.

Ethan got his next belt in his karate last night. It is a purple stripe. He was happy. He is one belt away from his brown belt. (order = white, yellow, orange, blue, green, green stripe, purple, purple stripe, brown x3, black) His instructor is excited because he wants to use him to help teach his classes. Because Ethan is so flexible and has great balance, the sensei is hoping he will advance quicker than the current senior student. Ethan is excited because this is definitely a passion and he has discussed possibly teaching someday in the future.
For me, I am excited because this is the first time I have seen a possible career for him to use his God given talents - and to have it be a passion makes it all the more exciting. How often do we truly get to work at a place that we are passionate about?
I worked at an insurance company for 8 years until I realized I was just another number in the fishbowl - very expendable and very underpaid. It was pretty disgusting that after 8 years a brand new employee was coming in with the same salary as I was making. I prayed and prayed to figure out what I was supposed to do with my life. When you start thinking about calling in sick all the time because you hate your job so much, it's time for a career change.
I went to a Joyce Meyer conference and got a knock in the head from God and decided to try to be a nurse. I really stunk at Chemistry in highschool. It is my only class I got a D+ when I was used to getting A's and B's my whole life. Chemistry was a prerequisite for nursing and I figured if I took Chemistry and passed I would go ahead and go back to school to become a nurse. Well, if you know me, then you know I passed the class and actually I got an A in it.... so it encouraged me even more to go into nursing and gave me confidence that I could still do "school" after 8 years of glazed over mindless existence.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Kim Lea

Quote: It is not real work unless you would rather be doing something else. JM Barrie

Proverbs 16:3 Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, I really enjoy your blog. I like that you talk about where you are at in your life and you don't forget about God in the middle of it. It is very encouraging. Thanks.

2:38 PM  

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