Thursday, January 26, 2006

God Save Us.....

So.... I am driving down the street after ditching my kids at my mother's and see this bumper sticker in front of me on some toyota that says: GOD SAVE US FROM YOUR FOLLOWERS

What does that mean? And who is it directed towards? It really bugged me.... and I was sort of offended that maybe this person was really disgusted with Christians, but then after pondering for a while, I did realize that I can see THAT viewpoint too.... pathetic. You know, sometimes Christians are the worst examples of the Christlike life that we are supposed to be living; hypocritical, unloving, etc...
Well, when I finally got home I had to look this up on the internet to see what it was about. There is an entire web store with clothing and cups and bumperstickers that say this.
The owner of the website states:

I just like this particular saying because it's so true...I mean, I'm a religious person myself, and the people who are most violent toward the GLBT community are my fellow Christians...hopefully they'll see their mistakes someday...
If you don't know what GLBT is - Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual

The second website was discussing God in politics and how certain people cannot stand it.

A week in the United States, such as I have just spent, is enough to make
anybody feel a trifle fed up with God, or rather with the relentless
invocation of the deity by American politicians, led by their president. No
public occasion would be complete without the blessing of the Almighty being
besought for whatever endeavour tops the agenda, most prominently the war in
Iraq. The appeal to faith, seldom mere ritual, is usually founded upon

Another weblog from a liberal mother at some protest in the name of God and then my favorite site was an Atheist poem...
Boy this one makes you think. Hope I don't get in trouble for posting this in here.

An Agnostic's Prayer
Written following the events of Sept. 11, 2001

Save us, God, who don't believe in you,
Save us from the multitudes who do.
Save us, who just want a little peace,
From those who worship you, without cease.
Save us from those Holy Lands
Where descendants of nomadic bands
Wrap their heads in holy towels
And pray to Y*W*H, without vowels.
Save us from those faiths Abrahamic,
Whether Judaic, Christian or Islamic.
Save us from every hegira
Whether it starts in Mecca or Palmyra.
Save us, God, from Christians' anger
When we won't display their babe in a manger.
Save us from Muslims' wrath
When we follow not Muhammad's path.
Save us from those orgies of piety
That religiously follow every calamity.
Save us from every minaret and steeple,
Save us from every Chosen People,
Save us from the armed Muslim, Christian, and Jew:
Save us uncircumcised dogs, us unchosen few.
Save us from the crusade, the jihad, the pogrom,
Save us from wise men who are dumb.
Save us from all those believers
Who express their faith with cleavers,
Or who, with orders direct from heaven,
Fly into buildings in a 747.
Save us from televangelists with visions,
Save us from unmedicated Pat Robertsons.
Save us from zealots straight from hell,
Save us from bin Laden and Jerry Falwell.
We don't want you as our co-pilot,
We don't want your terrorists either;
Instead of all this religious rot,
What we really want is a breather
From God-Bless-this and God-Bless-that,
From General Sharon and Chairman Arafat,
From mullahs, rabbis, and popes
From Taliban sharp shooters with scopes,
From Massad agents with Bond-like flair
Who assassinate Palestinians in their lair;
From Palestinians who stand and wait,
Holy time bombs, wired by hate.
Save us from all sectarian strife,
Save us from that religious life
Where the individual neurosis
Gets collectivized in psychosis.
Save us, God, we unchosen few,
Neither Muslim, Christian , Jew,
Save us from your followers true,
But save us, above all, God, from you.

Robert Forrey

Psalms 14:1 The fool says in his heart, there is no God.


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