Saturday, January 28, 2006


You know, I really do love my husband, but sometimes I REALLY wonder what he is thinking. Since I was home for the weekend, I thought we would be able to sleep in and then leisurely wake up and go out for brunch and coffee and hang out this morning. He even said how nice it was going to be to be able to wake up together and spend some time (kids are all 3 spending night at Aunti's). So what happens this morning. HIS alarm clock goes off at 6:00 a.m. Helloooooooo! Do you think I can go back to sleep? No, that's why I am writing this at this time of the morning. So while he continues to hit the snooze button and snore in the nice warm bed, I got up and did laundry and came downstairs for a Mountain Dew, since we will be having coffee later, I didn't want to get totally burned out on a whole pot of coffee. It's not like it is going to be a long day or anything.
So what is God trying to tell me this morning?
I was reading Titus again. As you can see by my favorite links, I have one that says Titus is one of those letters from Paul that talks about how we should live. This particular chapter 2 talks about right teaching. Teach the older men and women to be worthy of respect and to live wise, to have strong faith and be filled with love and patience, to appropriately serve the Lord... THEN these older women (which, unfortunately, I am probably considered one at this point in life) are to turn around and train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to take care of their homes, do good, be submissive, etc..... Right now I am trying to figure out what I am supposed to be doing and where I am supposed to be in this chain of events.
Well, the morning bear has awakened. I must go now.


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