Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Movie Critics

Recently a new movie has been released called "End of the Spear". There is a great controversy surrounding the Main actor as he is a gay activist and is playing a missionary in this movie. Many people have boycotted the movie and still others are pleading for Christians to go see this as it is presenting Christians in a positive light unlike most media today. This is a GREAT article about the whole thing---

So here I am on the fence. Don't want to be there. Lot's of controversy on this.
Here is a pastor's viewpoint:

and another viewpoint:
"Why not find a homosexual in your community, and offer to go see Brokeback Mountain with him/her, and invite him/her to see End of the Spear- starring well known homosexual activist Chad Allen- with you?"

We had a discussion regarding this last week at our monthly homeschool mom's meeting and I really can see both sides of the issue. My close friend was very adamant about NOT going to see it. Here is some of her argument.

Let me ask you, would you go see a movie about the life of Jesus followed to the jot and tittle, if Jesus were played by a convicted child molester who used his money to try and change the laws and make sex between children and men legal?

Hey, as Paul says Christ is being preached, does it matter who is preaching? We're all sinners, right?

It matters not where your money is going? Oh wait, I have heard that half of the profits from this movie are going to the tribe. How noble. Perhaps some child molester will make a movie about Jesus and give half his profits to help children at risk.

Do you buy gas at a station with slot machines? Groceries at a store where they have slots? Hey, as long as you don't play them, what does it matter? Right?

And I think my answer is going to be not to pay to go see the movie but maybe wait till it comes out on video/dvd. Is that a copout or what? What would Jesus do?
Probably take the gay guys out to see Brokeback Mountain........ Hmmmmm
Any thoughts on this? Please voice your comments.

Quote for the Day: If homosexuality is inherited, shouldn't it have died out by now? George Booth


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great blog. I enjoyed every
one of your post. You are a great writer. Fun to discover another one of your hidden talents. I am starting to realize you are loaded with them. I to enjoy Maxine. But now I am pondering why. Like I needed more things to work on Kim. Thanks.
I am adding you to my morning coffee and blog schedule.

1:09 PM  

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