Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sunday, Sunday

I got a phone call at 5 a.m. this morning.... "Do you want to stay home on call today?"
What a dumb question. Of course I want to stay home today, but is that really what I need to do? NO. I am off next weekend so I can't really afford to stay home today. So, I turned them down. I get a call 5 minutes later - "You're it!" What that translates to is that no one else wanted to stay home either and since I was first up on the list, I had to stay home on a mandatory call status. So I get paid $2 an hour to sit around at home waiting to see if I get called in when they get busy on our floor. Unfortunately, since I will be off next weekend and would normally get 1/2 a paycheck anyway, this just subtracts even more. Maybe I will get called in, but I doubt it, and I am usually right on my guesses. Most of the time it's like Murphy's laws.... If I want to work, I don't and if I don't want to work, I do. I'm sure God knows what he's doing.
I suppose I am glad to be home since, when I woke up, I had a horrible headache. I took some Aleve and 12 hr sudafed. My sinuses have been acting up for the past 3 days off and on. It must be the weather. I made some coffee Edgey picked up at Sam's club. They carry the Caribou coffee in bulk there. YUM. And I have been sitting around catching up on catalogs that I haven't had time to look at and the Sunday paper. The last two Sunday papers never even got read. They went to the curb still in the wrappers.
It was so cold yesterday, Edgey actually got up and went and started my minivan for me before I went to work. It was sort of warmed up. I got in and one of the engine dummy lights was on though. I hope it just needs some oil or an oil change or something... especially since my next check is going to be so piddly.
Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend.


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