Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Wind

You ever hear Billy Graham talk about God? He says that God is like the wind. You can't see the wind but you know it is there because you can see the effects of the wind. Well, today I can surely see the effects of the wind. Our privacy fence is lying in the driveway behind the van..... AND it broke my favorite adironak bench in the back yard. Now, what are we going to sit on while we are waiting for the grill to cook our food? WHAAHHHH!
Ok, that breakdown is over. There are leaves flying around all of our windows. It looks like a hurricane without the water. Tree branches down in the yard, garbage can knocked over and garbage can lids flying down the street. I feel drafts coming throught the door and window today, even after Edgey put in the new windows. BRRRR. Amie is sitting in front of the heater too. Edgey is not answering his cell phone so I can make sure he has some wood screws to fix the fence.
Oh well.

Quote: If you want the Iowa weather to change, just wait a minute.


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