Disturbance, tumult; harassing labor; trouble; To harass with commotion. To disquiet; to weary.
I think, now, it is accurate. Most of the time I walk around in peace. This week has been difficult at times because my children have been on a "vacation" for the past two weeks with the funeral and the Thanksgiving holiday. I have had to reschedule my lesson plans and that was fine. But mainly it is the attitude of the kids that I am having a hard time with.
At our homeschool meeting last night some of the ladies were talking about how difficult "Re-entry" is for them and the kids. I think I agree. One gal had gone to New York for a week with her husband. She has 11 kids. They were told how stressful being in New York would be. She was completely relaxed until she came back home and walked into the house. She said, "When I walked in the door.....THAT was stressful." They were also discussing it in regards to the kids too.
It is much easier to keep them in a routine than it is to move in and out of one. I suppose the expectations are known. So my kids have been whining around, especially the oldest, because he just wants to be on "break" because all the other kids are having a break now. I had to explain they have all gone back to public school this week too, so "get with it!"
Maybe I am too mean. I just want to get the requirements out of the way so I can get on with the more interesting things and relax. Is that anyway to school?
I want peace in my home and not chaos. I don't want the bickering and unkind words and, for me, I realize my children have it so much better than I did when I was little. My brother and sister were constantly fighting with me or each other. My sister used to bite us and we used to call her names because she was fat. We didn't exhibit any loving behavior and we didn't learn any from my parents either. My dad even bought us boxing gloves so we could duke it out without killing each other.
I often hear my children say, "I love you" and hug each other. That would have been unheard of in my home growing up. They apologize to each other too. Even without me standing over them telling them to say sorry. I smile because I actually am happy they like each other.
This week they are being naughty to each other, bad attitudes, disrespectful to me and each other, disobedient..... I know some of you just can't see it.... but it is true! I am going to make a recording of it some day.
Oh, by the way, my drapes were put up on Tuesday. :) Here is a picture. It is difficult to see the gold threads in the picture. They are not extravagantly nice by any means but they fit in our living room.
Ok to tell you how my week is going, I just typed a huge amount of stuff on this and it totally disappeared and didn't save. I am not typing again! Unbelieveable. It was good stuff too. :(