Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving was spent with my grandpa, mom, brother and his 2 girls. We went to Ryan's Steakhouse buffet for lunch. It was pretty good. Better than cooking all day and cleaning up afterwards. Unfortunately I missed having leftovers later, but that's ok. Edgey and the kids all left me and went to visit his Dad in Nebraska. It sounds like they had fun. Aunt Angie let them borrow the X-box.
After eating at the Thanksgiving buffet, I took mom and went shopping at Kmart for a while. I didn't find anything I had to have.
I then took a nap and couldn't sleep that night. I spent most of the night cleaning and watching movies. Since I was already awake, I just decided to go shopping at 5 a.m. Sears was having their sale and there were coats for $12.99 so I went to see what they had. I got coats for both of the little kids. Ethan was too big for those now. He already has a nice one anyway.
I saw Trevor there. :)
Then I went back to Kmart because all the sweats were buy one get one free. They had some cute sweats for Eliz and I got Jesse one too. They will get those for Christmas. Elizabeth has many cute clothes, but it irritates me because she will not wear anything but sweats in the winter. The sweats she does have are so nasty that I don't want her going out in them. So I still need to go look for some more. But $5.99 for a pair of kids sweats is pretty good to me.

The next store I wanted to go to opened at 7 a.m. so I went to look there. I didn't find any Christmas presents except what I wanted, so I bought my own Christmas present to me.
I have lived here for 8 almost 9 years and have never found window treatments for the front room that I actually liked. Well, I found some finally. I told Edgey. He just said that guarantees that we will probably move now. LOL. good!

After that I was pretty tired since I had been up all night. I had to go check out Cato's since I hadn't been there forever. I didn't find anything there I had to have. I went and had lunch then went home and went to bed. I set my alarm for 2 hours later. Well I don't know what exactly happened but the alarm either got shut off by me or I slept through the alarm because I finally woke up around 9 pm. Then I was mad at myself because I didn't get anything done and I had to work on Saturday & Sunday. Oh well. I ate popcorn for supper and then watched the news and went back to bed.

The weekend at work was actually nice. I watched HGTV and TLC off and on. I'm glad I don't have cable at home. I would probably be addicted to that channel.
The family got home Sun night about 9 p.m. I was passed out in the lazy boy. Edgey was tired from driving the whole way. The kids were squirrely and finally went to bed. I missed them but I didn't miss that part. The house was clean. Now it is not. They threw everything all over and it was still laying around this a.m. Back to school. Jesse was glad about that and no fuss from Elizabeth, but guess who slept until noon and argued all afternoon about not doing his schoolwork? He is growing a mustache. Scary. I just noticed it today very clearly.

I'm going to try to get Edgey to put up my drapes tonight. Wish me luck!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh MY a mustach! That could be Lance in a matter of years, It's so easy (so to speak) to be a mom when they are young but when those stages start to happen, wasn't it yesterday Lance was toddling hold on to me for support. No one told me time would fly this fast!!!

1:27 PM  

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