Calvin & The Snowmen

I just love Calvin..... I suppose he is a tad rebellious, but he is so funny. I guess it's my sarcastic sense of humor rising up again.
It's just not funny when it's my own children.
Ethan finally went out and shovelled for me. He waited until the last possible minute before Dad came home though. Of course Dad was thrilled he didn't have to do it - so then Ethan gets $5 for doing it instead of a feeling of contribution to the caring of our home and property and being a good steward. Oh well. I tried.
Since we didn't do school, I didn't allow them to play the playstation or any video games or computer games either. They didn't like that much. You think I had made them stay in bed all day. I offered to teach school again, and they took off to play. Elizabeth is the only one who actually came and read a book to me while I was making homemade hot chocolate. She also wrote a story. She will probably be my writer. She is always making up stories on the way home from church.... the boys laugh and laugh. It's get irritating sometimes because they get louder and louder. She also is the one that staples a bunch of papers together to make a book and draws pictures to go with them. She is always thrilled to get a new journal or new notebook.
It will be interesting to see how they will develop and what they will do when they grow up.
Jesse, I think, will be the pastor..... He just has the heart for it. When we had prayer the other day, he came up to pray and asked for us to pray for LuAnne. It's rarely for himself. It's mostly for other people.
Ethan is still the one I have no idea what he will be like..... here he is the oldest and I still don't know. I need to pray about it more, I guess. He loves karate and video games.... Do they have professional game players? LOL My mom says they have contests in gaming and have thousands of $$$$$$ prizes. That might be a goal. The other thing about Ethan is that is is a very hard worker. He will have a good work ethic ..... whatever he decides to do.
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