Friday, November 24, 2006

Black Friday!

Why do they call this Black Friday? because it's the biggest shopping day of the year and even if stores are in the red, this is the day they end up in the black.
Am I going shopping? I might... but I did not get up at no 4:30 a.m. to be a some store at 5 a.m. It gets earlier and earlier every year. Unbelievable. I really didn't see anything that exciting in the ads anyway. All for the satanic holiday called christmas. Did you know that Santa switched around is also Satan? They both dress in red too.

Anyway, I love Christmas! so don't get your britches all up in a bunch. I love the lights the most, and the smells of the season and the giving stuff.... but it all seems sooooooo commercial sometimes. We just give 3 gifts to our kids. I think I have said this before. If Jesus got 3 gifts then my kids can just have 3 gifts. Well... I do put a few more in the stockings because I love stockings too. I actually put a few presents in my own stocking last year just so I would have something fun to open. :) If I wrap them I forget what they are anyway till I open them.

I usually start shopping in October for Christmas stuff. This year I am way behind! I usually have some sort of crafty thing figured out too and I haven't figured out anything this year. I am really way behind. I guess I just haven't been very creative yet. So pray for me so I will get creative. :)


Blogger Alex McGinnis said...

My grandma ruined Christmas for me when I was 5 because she told me that Santa was Satan... Santa wears red because of Coca-Cola... Satan must think he looks good in it or something

1:10 PM  

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