Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Now that the weekend is over I can relate all the details..... I didn't want anyone in particular (mainly some weirdo stalker or something) to know that my whole family was gone and left me all alone for the holiday weekend.... well me and the watchdog that I am thankful for, especially in this neighborhood.
They all left to go see Edgey's dad in Nebraska on Wed. night. I went to church and then went to bed early.
Thursday was Thanksgiving. Nobody was around and I really didn't want to do anything, but 12:30 came around and I was hungry... so I got in the datebook from the Register and looked to see what restaurants were open. I really didn't want to bother anyone, although I was invited several places (thanks for the invite - you know who you are). Ryan's Steakhouse was having a Thanksgiving buffet thing for $8.99 so I went to that. It was actually pretty good and I even saw someone there that I knew. Since I was all by myself, however, the bus boy came and cleared my table and I wasn't even done..... so then I had to wait for new silverware and a drink again. LOL. Then I went home and read the ads for Black Friday and watched the last DVD's of LOST the 2nd season. I was kind of disappointed in the ending. Went to bed by 10pm. That's early for me.
Friday I got up at 7 and showered then cleaned for a while and then went shopping around 10am. It was crazy out there. I got one thing that was in the ad - a $10 vaccuum/hand vac for upstairs. I hate lugging my big one up the stairs. I usually have Ethan carry it up for me. Then I shopped for a while. I picked up my mother and we went to Bennigans for late lunch. It was around 2 p.m. by the time we ate. I had my usual. Mariah, you have to go with me and try the chicken strips there! I love them. Then mom and I shopped for a while. I found something I wanted for myself (I'm hard to buy for- who woulda guessed) so she bought it for me for my Christmas present. I told her to wrap it up so I won't be left out. :)

Saturday - had to work. It was actually a nice day again. Very few patients on the floor.

Sunday - I got to stay home on call. I slept in 2 extra hours then did some more cleaning.... is that naughty? cleaning on a Sunday? I had allllllllll the laundry done. 11am rolls around and I was getting worried I might get called in and hadn't eaten anything yet, so I went to chinese all by myself again. I tried to call my friend but she was busy and had already run through the McDonalds drive-through and got happy meals. :(
After that I went to Kmart, Bath & Beyond, Marshalls and then home again. I took the gals at work some Dairy Queen because they were having a chocolate attack. Then I went home and the family got home. Now I have 2 big baskets full of laundry again. The kids were totally squirrelly and wound up till they went to bed. Here I was trying to be thankful they were home.
I was certainly thankful when they went to bed.

So that's a wrap up of my weekend. Nothing too exciting.


Blogger Alex McGinnis said...

I think I have been there once... but I didn't try the chicken strips... we should all go sometime

1:39 PM  
Blogger Mrs Edgey said...

Sounds good to me! Save us one evening during your holiday break.

2:00 PM  

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