
At some point during the last couple of months, I recall writing that I was bummed out because I had planted my birthday mum and it never bloomed and it had already frosted...... well, after the nice big frost it warmed up again - and this is a picture of it sometime in November. It made me so happy to see them bloom, I had to take a picture and with my camera phone of all things. It has been such a warm fall. Actually the flowers are still open right now but slightly wilted. It is supposed to get up to 54 degrees today.
I was just listening yesterday to the news on the radio and they were talking about how in Russia it so warm that the bears have not hibernated yet, and there are butterflies and flowers blooming, etc..... It hasn't been that warm there for 500 years.
Makes you wonder what's going on. The other day I was watching Al Gore on Oprah. He was discussing the movie that he was promoting called An Inconvenient Truth which was discussing global warming and how our pollution has made the temperature increase in the earth.... It was very eye opening! It showed before and after pictures of different areas of the earth that previously were glaciers or snowcapped mountains that have almost nothing left of snow or ice. He gave statistics also regarding the increase of temperatures in the ocean and different areas of the world.... and how eventually the rise in temp will increase the severity and number of storms, hurricanes, tidal waves and so on.
I may have to get the DVD to watch the whole thing.
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