Monday, November 20, 2006

This weekend was my weekend off and it was really great! Friday night Edgey and I went out to Anita, Iowa to some hick restaurant called the Redwood Steak House with the men's group peoples. Edgey wasn't too excited about going all the way out there, but they kept telling us it would be worth the drive. It was a long drive and they promised they would protect us from the children of the corn out there. We all had a lot of fun and laughs and got all rowdy and had a run in with the law. LOL.

Saturday I tried to sleep in but I was wide awake. Ethan had karate and was gone till around 12:30 and Jesse slept till after 11:00 a.m. because he went to bed sooooo late the night before. I just sat in my bed with the covers pulled up to my chin trying to go back to sleep. Finally Edgey came and woke me up with a cappuccino from QuickTrip. He was going to go to get a real one from Starbucks or Caribou Coffee but I talked him out of it because I figured we would get one later that night when we went out again.
He took the kids up to his Auntie's to spend the night and then we went shopping for a while.
We met up with B & Larry at Olive Garden. What was really great about that was that I was really hungry for good pasta and we let them pick the restaurant..... so I was really blessed because I got to get some good pasta. I only had a cheese stick and cappuccino all day so I really enjoyed dinner. We talked until we felt guilty for sitting there because there was long line waiting to get in.
After that we went to the new Caribou over by Jordan Creek.... Larry gave us a tour because we are Jordan Creek challenged. We talked for a while there and then Larry took us to the Apple store at the mall to explain the computers. The guys were making fun of B & me because we were playing with the computers. B wrote on her blog just so she could say she blogged and I hadn't. She was giving me a hard time because she was tired of seeing Salt & Light all the time. My mom has been bugging me too.
I guess I haven't felt like writing much. Sometimes I feel like writing and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I am creative and sometimes I am not.

Anyway, we had a really good time. After they dropped us back off at our vehicle, we went to Walmart. What is a date night out without going to Wallyworld?
By the time we got home and unloaded we both sat in the lazyboy chairs to chat and guess what? We both fell asleep in the chairs watching CSI Miami. Pretty pathetic don't you think?
So much for romance.

Sunday was nice because we didn't have to get anyone ready but ourselves. Somebody had to have Starbucks to top off the weekend...and it wasn't me. I got to sing at church. Yay!!!
Then after that we were going to help decorate for Christmas but there was a board meeting and it was taking forever..... so we went driving around Adel looking at houses. We stopped in and saw two. One we really liked and another one was just way overpriced for what it was.

After that we went to pick up the kids at Auntie's and ended up staying a while and watching Iron Chef. It was a face off between Rachael Ray and some other chick named Gionni.... the secret ingredient was cranberries. All the dishes had to have cranberries in it. I would have been in big trouble because the only thing with cranberries that I ever eat is cranberry jelly right from the can.... and the only time we really have that is for thanksgiving or with turkey. I guess I need to expand my horizons. Some of the stuff they made looked absolutely delicious and the winner was Rachael Ray.

Monday - back to the same old stuff... doing school with the kids, cleaning, cooking and laundry.


Blogger Brenda said...

yea, we had a good time to. We love you guys and spending time with you.
Coffee again soon or right after your back from your trip. ok

10:04 PM  

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