Monday, January 23, 2006

New Beginnings

I just finished reading a bunch of cool blogs from some "family"..... way too much fun. SOOOO, why not me too? What an easy way to keep everybody up to date on the psycho daily life of the Edgecombs. Anyway, I need an writing outlet. I hate journaling but typing is a different story.
Much easier to edit too.
I worked all weekend and it was kind of crazy there. At least there were 4 staff today. Why do women totally freak out if they have any little kind of pain and they are pregnant? I don't understand. I didn't do that. Just tough it out. What a bunch of wimps these days. Yeah, I had back pain and hip pains and had to go to the chiropractor for adjustments so I could walk but I didn't go to the hospital because I was having pains..... wahhhh.
Anyway, I got that off my chest.

Quote for the day: I would rather sink with faith than swim without it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA!! I would have been one of those people that you called a wimp when I was having Trevor. :) I was suprised that they nurse (that was in there with Jeremy and me before the doctor got there and the 20 other nurses) would still talk to me afterwards. I wasn't mean or anything, but I sure was complaining!! :)

1:00 PM  

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