It has rained so much lately the river has risen by the trail. The river is on one side and the lake is on the other. There is almost always a cool blue heron in the river fishing. He was still there even though the water was so high. He was up on the bank. Why is that cool? Because even the animals are steadfast in doing what they are created to do.
The river has had a ton of white foam on it. I have seen hundreds of beautiful butterflies and the wild flowers are really taking over with fall colors. The monarchs are all over the purple thistles along the trail as well as bees.
There was a shimmering green beetle on the path this morning.. and garden spiders all across the bridge. They were beautiful too.
I think the neatest thing I saw was like a scene out of Bug's Life movie. It was hilarious! A grasshopper jumps onto the path and a beautiful red cardinal flew down to get him and they were both hopping all over the trail. I was laughing. I have no idea who won the battle.
If I go early enough, I can see plenty of giant fish feeding under the bridge. I know some of them are huge because they should look small from the bridge and they don't.
It is amazing to me that of all the creation that I think is soooo beautiful, WE are supposed to be the greatest. In general, I don't see people the way I see animals or insects or nature...... maybe babies..... but when I study the human body in a medical or physiological aspect, it is truly amazing. I pray I can see that "amazingness" in people I see daily. We take it for granted. Each one of us is created for a specific purpose... with specific talents and abilities and gifts.
I have started praying for a lady I see almost every morning - she talks to herself and drags a metal cart behind her with trash bags and cans in it.... probably homeless or something.
It's strange I see her almost everyday because I don't go at the same time every day. Sometimes I go at 6:30 a.m and sometimes I don't get there until 8 a.m. I also see an oriental couple that walk. The lady walks about 4 paces behind the man the whole time. They never walk together or talk. There a little oriental guy that runs too. It's pretty sad when a 70 or 80 year old guy is running around the track and I am walking. It makes me try harder to make sure I go every day. I want to be 70 and running around the track too.